The three unique installation options allow you to place ScrapeStick anywhere by either strapping it, screwing it or using a metal T-post. With 17 possible height adjustments, the branch can be placed at the proper height for optimal success. The adjustment design allows the branch to moved in 6" increments until reaching the desired height (4-4.5 feet). The steel jawtooth clamping system will allow up to 1.25" in diameter branches. When using ScrapeStick with a metal T-Post the provided set screw will ensure the unit properly gets secured to the post.

Lightweight and compact
design allows for easy setup & transportation. -
The ScrapeStick allows you to effortlessly create a mock scrape anywhere with it's ability to strap, screw or slide onto a t-post.
Scrape sites are natural and have proven to provide predictable behavior as opposed to alternatives.
Hundreds of hunters have been surveyed and agree the ScrapeStick produces results.
When selecting a branch, it is recommended to focus on using what’s natural to the area. Ideally, use the same type of tree(s) deer are already using. Consider using Cedar tree branches for more flexibility or Oak tree branches which provide strength.When making the mock scrape, remember to be mindful of scent. Simply rake to expose bare ground that measures 2-3 feet in diameter. Remember, the mock scrape site should be positioned directly below the lowest point, or directly under the expected area of the branch your deer will use.
See more: Cover Scents & Scent Attractants